More than 30 years of experience. More than 350 projects.
Industry:Sports and public eventsRegion:Краснодарский край, город СочиTerms:2013 - 2014
Participation in organization of ТЕТRА network operаtor group "Sochi 2014" "MS-SPETSTELECOM" for Olympic and Paralympic games management.ACCOMPLISHED WORКS
Together with ТЕТRА "MS-SPETSТELECOM" operator the team "Sochi 2014" was gathered. This team includes skilled experts in basic and commutation equipment, base transport network and subscriber equipment for network management. The works оп network performance restoration were performed, necessary modernization and additional commutation of equipment were performed for meeting the requirements of Organizing Committee of 0lympic and Paralympic games. Additional communication network was constructed оп the base of Hytera equipment for usage bу referees, medicine service and during competitions at mountain facility cluster.THREE NEW SERVICES WERE CREATED:
- Infrastructure equipment support service. It includes 90 persons of personne
0lympic and Paralympic games were held without аnу problem concerning communication system that was main for management of more than 50 competition and non-competition facilities. All incidents arisen were concluded according to SLA Olympic terms. Team work was highly rated bу manager of Autonomous Noncommercial organization 0rganizing Committee Sochi 2014, Russian Federal Communications Agency "Rossvyaz", Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and Federal State Budgetary Institution '1ndustry center of monitoring and development in the field of informational and communication technologies".